During your stay in Eastend you can enjoy many recreational activities including swimming at the local outdoor pool and golfing the Streambank Golf Course. Both are within easy walking distance of Northhill Cottage.
For the outdoor enthusiast the area offers many opportunities for exploring and discovery. Hike the hills and bike the backroads. If you're interested in birdwatching, the Frenchman River Valley might add to your lifetime bird list.
Visit the local museum and learn about Eastend's early days, and stop by the Stegner House, the childhood home of Pulitzer Prize winning author Wallace Stegner. At the T-Rex Discovery Centre you can view paleo displays, the working lab, and take an onsite tour.
Drive up to Jones Peak and take in the breathtaking view of the Frenchman River Valley, or hike Chimney Coulee where Eastend had it's origins as a Hudson's Bay Company and NWMP post.
Northhill Cottage
Rentals are very well located for day excursions to Cypress Hills Provincial Park, Grasslands National Park, and the Great Sandhills.
Visit Old Man On His Back Nature Conservancy, the only nature conservancy in Saskatchewan, and the country that inspired award winning author Sharon Butala's literary works.